Planthaya | Wellness hub

Art and yoga is most definitely good for your m...
If you find yourself getting a little down or feeling lack lustre, then try to draw, the process is very cathartic and will help to steer your mind towards what’s...
Art and yoga is most definitely good for your m...
If you find yourself getting a little down or feeling lack lustre, then try to draw, the process is very cathartic and will help to steer your mind towards what’s...

How to use social media positively
We hear lots about the negative affects of social media on our wellbeing and whilst these concerns are all valid and too much of anything is a bad shout, I...
How to use social media positively
We hear lots about the negative affects of social media on our wellbeing and whilst these concerns are all valid and too much of anything is a bad shout, I...

How CBD can help improve your fitness journey
We know about the amazing benefits of CBD helping to clam and relax us, to help us drift off to sleep , but have you ever thought about using CBD...
How CBD can help improve your fitness journey
We know about the amazing benefits of CBD helping to clam and relax us, to help us drift off to sleep , but have you ever thought about using CBD...

Could snoozing your alarm be affecting your mood?
Rewind a year , my mornings where not like this , I would set my alarm , snooze it 10 times get up at the last possible minute and then...
Could snoozing your alarm be affecting your mood?
Rewind a year , my mornings where not like this , I would set my alarm , snooze it 10 times get up at the last possible minute and then...

10 uses for your Soothe CBD balm
We are going to talk about Soothe CBD balm , now if you're a follower of the CBD revolution you will have probably seen a million posts on the benefits...
10 uses for your Soothe CBD balm
We are going to talk about Soothe CBD balm , now if you're a follower of the CBD revolution you will have probably seen a million posts on the benefits...

Supporting children and their emotions
We want Small Souls to have a voice, a mindful and kind attitude, an inner reserve of self love and strength so that when challenges arise, they are equipped with...
Supporting children and their emotions
We want Small Souls to have a voice, a mindful and kind attitude, an inner reserve of self love and strength so that when challenges arise, they are equipped with...