The Bullet Journal method what is it and how it can help organise creative minds

The Bullet Journal method what is it and how it can help organise creative minds

The Positive Bullet Journal

Mind | The Bullet Journal method, what it is and how it can help to organise creative minds.



So what is Bullet Journalling ?

A Bullet Journal (sometimes known as a BuJo) is a method of personal organization developed by designer Ryder Carroll. The system organizes scheduling, reminders, to-do lists, Brainstorming, and other organizational tasks into a single notebook. The name "bullet journal" comes from the use of abbreviated bullet points to log information, but it also partially comes from the use of dot journals, which are gridded using dots rather than lines.

A bullet journal is a way to schedule by day, week, month, or year; it can also be used to keep track of task progress. It may act as a medium for written and drawn meditation, as an artistic outlet, and as a diary. Many people get inspiration from Instagram users who post their own creations, in the hopes of inspiring others. For those who want to stay on top of their academics, but like to draw as a hobby, this is a great and easy combination. It can also be used to track mental health-related ideas. This could include spreads with mood and habit trackers. Finally, if a person keeps it up for a long time, it can be used to reflect on memories and events that occurred in the past.

My Journey with The Positive Bullet Diary!

If you’re like me, then you’ll know that being a creative means living in ‘organised’ chaos. It’s a big sign of creativity but at the end of the day can leave you feeling stressed and anxious. My family have been telling me for the past year to get a positive journal to plan, organise and monitor how much I get up to. Sometimes it takes looking back on your past week/month to really believe how much you have achieved. This past (almost) year has been so hard on all of us that my Positive Bullet Diary arrived just at the right time.

How much harder has lockdown 3.0 been? Everyday is like Groundhog day. I’m one of the lucky ones that still has their job full time so having that offers some structure, but its important to have our own personal goals. This journal is a cute little space to dream up your creations and reflect on every hurdle you overcome. 

Writing down daily tasks, no matter how small, has been such a big win for me. The comfort I get from starting my day knowing what lies ahead is a wonderful thing and those who suffer with anxiety will know exactly what I mean by that. I plan meal ideas, work out plans alongside a fitness app I use, plan blogs and even leave myself little inspo notes like “Just a few weeks until Spring is here” or “Summer with family is JUST around the corner”.

It’s been a game changer, and this past month has been made easier and more stress free as a result. If you’re a textbook over thinker like myself, do yourself a favour and pick up this journal where you can unload your mind’s clutter. It’s so important now more than ever to practice self-care and while facemasks and manicures are a big part of that, it all starts from within. Be kind to your head and heart. I rate this journal a solid 10/10!

You can purchase your very own Positive Bullet Journal here at Planthaya 



Charlotte Sharpe Planthaya Contributor
   Charlotte Sharpe
Say hello to Charlotte, Charlotte is a long time lover of Planthaya and so it made perfect sense to ask her on board to share her wisdom. An Irish gal living the Liverpool life, she shares the life of a 20 something via her blog and instagram account .
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