Wellness | Tips to take back your Sunday night ,banishing Sunday night dread
This is just a short and sweet post today … I know Sunday dread is a real thing and the worst way to start a fresh new week. When that Sunday becomes Monday eve a whole lot of stress and panic can kick in, I wanted to share my top 3 tips for turning this around .
Change the narrative, Sunday night dread is usually caused by waiting for the Monday Blues , so let's change your Monday so there is nothing to dread . I did this a few years ago , Mondays are my fave day now , they are like a new beginning , like the 1st January every single week. Decide your mondays are a new opportunity, a new chance to do something you love , to reach for your goals ! If you see your Monday as a wonderful opportunity instead of something to hate you regaining not one but two days that were filled with dread.
Be prepared , use your Sunday morning to organise your week , get your diary in order your to do list straight , iron your uniforms, make your lunches whatever you have to do to feel organised for your week ahead. Once this is all done you don't have it hanging over you and you can get on with enjoying your Sunday .
Do something nice for yourself , use Sunday night to do something you love , movie night , pamper or reading a good book , end your week on a good note and you'll start your week on a good note.
- Get yourself some Balance , CBD's calling effect can help not only reduce feelings of stress and anxiety , making it a little easier to implement this things above , but also helps you get a great nights sleep ready to start your week fresh.
It may not seem much but losing a whole night every single week is a huge loss over a year , so let's start to make some changes and kick that Sunday night dread to the kirb .